What to do if you can’t get out of bed in the morning

What to do if you can’t get out of bed in the morning

In the morning, the brain works much more productively, which means it generates more great ideas. This is what scientists and successful businessmen say. But this knowledge alone does not add to the liveliness of the morning, and the formula “get up as early as possible” unfortunately does not work. Why does this happen? How do you get enough sleep if you don’t have enough time to sleep? How do you get out of bed in the morning energized and in a fighting mood? This is the subject of our article.

How to get the most out of your rest hours

We are used to associating the concept of “slept or not” with the duration of sleep. But this is not entirely correct. After all, sometimes even after 8-9-10 hours of sleep, we don’t know how to get out of bed in the morning. Why is this? It’s not just about how much we sleep, but how we do it. That is, attention should be paid to both the quantity and quality of sleep.

So, what can you do to get a good night’s sleep?

1. Consider your personal need for rest

It’s been proven that there are “sprinters” who sleep less than six hours a night and don’t experience any side effects. But this is a property of their body, and you shouldn’t take other people’s feelings into account. After all, chronic sleep deprivation due to a deliberate reduction in sleep hours can lead to depression, obesity, and physical and mental health problems.

What to do. Focus on the well-known “eight hours of sleep” and only adjust your rest time depending on your age, workload, and body needs.

2. Set the time on the alarm clock taking into account sleep phases

The structure of sleep includes 2 phases: slow wave sleep (begins immediately after falling asleep and lasts about 90 minutes) and REM sleep (begins immediately after slow wave sleep and lasts 10-20 minutes). To get enough sleep, you need to sleep 5 full phases of 100 minutes each. If you wake up in the middle of slow or REM sleep, you will feel tired and irritable instead of the expected vigor.

What to do: Develop a stable sleep schedule and stick to it even on weekends. For gadget lovers, there is another way – a smart bracelet that will gently wake the wearer and make waking up as comfortable as possible.

3. Find the right sleeping position

Often, when we open our eyes early in the morning, we still feel tired. And the pain in the neck, joints, lower back, and swollen face only intensify these feelings. This happens when you choose the wrong sleeping position. For example, sleeping on the stomach with the head turned to the side causes the artery to be pinched, which leads to poor blood supply to the brain: the lungs shrink, breathing becomes labored, and wrinkles appear. And sleeping on your side increases the load on the heart and causes neck pain.

What to do. Accustom yourself to sleeping in the correct “soldier’s position” – on your back with your arms stretched out along your body. Or turn over more often to minimize the damage from incorrect body positions.

4. Choose the right mattress

But choosing the right time and the right position to sleep is only half the battle. We also need to think about what exactly we sleep on. Folding sofas with uneven joints, pillows of different sizes, and convex seams literally “kill” the spine. And with it – beauty, energy, good mood, and mental abilities.

What to do? Plan to buy the right orthopedic or anatomical mattress. Thanks to the design of the mattress and the right combination of materials, the spine will always be in a naturally optimal position, and muscles and ligaments will be relaxed in any position. In addition, you can choose a mattress based on the weight, age, and personal preferences of the person who will sleep on it.

How to add pleasure to waking moments

But you can go further and make the transition from sleep to activity even more comfortable. And pleasant morning rituals will help with this – imperceptible steps that will gradually lead to noticeable changes.

To start the day positively, you don’t need to grab your gadgets as soon as you wake up. Before you get out of bed in the morning, you should give yourself 3-5 minutes to

– yawn and stretch well;

– think about loved ones, events, or places where you were happy;

– lightly massage the back of your head, temples, eyebrows, and palms for better blood circulation;

– sit on the bed and drink a glass of water (it is better to prepare it in the evening);

– open the curtains or buy a night light, which increases the light gradually;

– listen to pleasant music or birdsong;

– dream about something personally pleasant;

– smile.

That’s basically it. It is enough to create comfortable conditions for the body to sleep and agree with it that in the evening it goes to bed at its own discretion, and in the morning you get up earlier. And then every morning will be good. And cheerful.